Promote Social Club
Promote your Social Club Badge with a free or paid mint
Last updated
Promote your Social Club Badge with a free or paid mint
Last updated
This open action is only available to Badge creators. See Creating a Social Club Badge.
When creating the post, select from "Use Smart Post" dropdown the badge mint
Since this open action enables others to mint our badge, we have to configure the mint. If you've ever created a collectable Lens post, it's the exact same inputs
The inputs allowed by the open action are
mint cost
mint currency
followers only
mint limit
mint timeframe
We'll share how to initialize the open action programmatically at another time.
All posts that are initialized with open actions on MadFi have the "Act" button rendered on the bottom right of the post component. So when you share the link to the post with your followers, they can take the action after logging in with their Lens profile.
Each open action is processed differently, so in general we'll render a modal with more information. In this case, the action allows the profile join the social club by minting the badge NFT.
Some things to note
although we set the mint limit (ex: up to 100 mints), each badge collection supply is by default 1,000. so there could be 100 free spots now, 100 paid spots after, and anyone that wants to join afterwards must be a paid subscriber
each wallet address is only able to mint 1 badge. so even if a wallet owns multiple profiles, they can only join a club through one profile